- The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important.
- At work, my opinions seem to count.
- This year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
Quel shoque.
Still, all is not rosy in the executive suites. Gallup found that 1 in 10 executives are "disengaged," not really minding the store. When executives feel they aren't listened to, and feel unempowered, they become disengaged. Gallup asks whether workers have a best friend at work - being lonely doesn't help.
Another 1survey found that 10% of executive respondents have called in sick to play golf.
Interestingly, one headhunter attributes entrepreneurial spirit to this alienation - it "develops as a defense mechanism," he said.
Some might be because of boozing, but fortunately companies pay the large rehab bills.
The CEO of Office Depot says he uses ten executives to make decisions: USA Today writes, "Those who disagree are not ignored; rather, energy is expended until they are persuaded to change their mind."
Apparently raises and payscale "don't matter much" according to several studies. A UT study finds no correlation between executive pay and engagement or loyalty. (More arguments for cutting executive pay: they won't even care! Just make sure they have a best friend and occasional plaque at work!)
Recycled source: USA Today 6/21/05 2B